The Blanka tunnel complex forms part of the city ring around Prague and consists of several tunnels with a total length of 5,502 meters. This makes it the longest road tunnel in the Czech Republic and the longest city tunnel in Europe. The city of Prague operates the Blanka tunnel complex and plans to install additional safety systems in the tunnels.
A delegation consisting of the operator of the Blanka tunnel complex, the police of the city of Prague and the University of Brno visited the headquarters of ASFINAG in Vienna on 25.10.2021 to learn technical details and operational experiences about the Acoustic Tunnel Monitoring AKUT.
Dr Anton Sieber, Managing Director of ASFINAG Commercial Services GmbH, presented the structure of ASFINAG as well as ASFINAG's experience in operating AKUT. The technical details of AKUT were explained by Dr Franz Graf. After the presentations, a lively discussion arose on various safety topics in road tunnels and the possibilities of future cooperation.